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'Poodle Takes Cyprus by Storm'
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nieuws - 14/10/2005
Poodle Takes Cyprus by Storm  -  Cyprus

honden fokkers en hond foto's door Yossi Guy
A British-bred Standard Poodle, Atastar Independence, won two back-to-back CACIB shows on the island of Cyprus. The two CACIB shows, at the resort town of Paphos, drew a relatively small entry even for Cyprus, however the organization and friendly atmosphere were well worth the journey, even from abroad.

Entering Cyprus with a dog entails a bit of red tape. The dog must have a Rabies antibody test, shots, proof of anti tick and flea substances and a tattoo or microchip. The owner must pay a "fine" for bringing the dog into the country - 25 Cyprus pounds (about 12 Euro) for 3 days.

However, after having dispatched with the red tape, one can hop into a car and enjoy the beautiful scenery, the wonderful food and the friendly people.

The very short trip from Israel – Cyprus is actually the closest FCI country – and the opportunity to add a Cypriot championship title and CACIB's, makes Cyprus an attractive destination for Israeli dog enthusiasts. This time, some of us made the trip on a couple of light planes, adding to the excitement.

The Cyprus Kennel Club is a relatively small organization and has only been a member of the FCI for several years. However, perhaps due to its size, the shows in Cyprus are well-organized and the local dog lovers are zealous yet extremely hospitable. English is spoken by almost everyone and foreign exhibitors definitely feel welcome.

The two CACIB shows in Paphos were no exception. They were held on a large lawn abutting the beach where the bathers could enjoy the dogs while swimming in the Mediterranean. The spacious rings had ample space for the dogs to move in and were equipped with computers and printers for the judges' critiques. The international panel of judges was able to abide by the schedule placed by their rings.

The Cypriots arrived in clans and groups – each of the serious breeders erected a large pavilion or tent with many crates, grooming tables and appliances. The showground was not crowded throughout the day and there was plenty of room to make one's way to the ring. For those who were unaware of the schedule, the ring stewards announced the upcoming classes.

After the breed judging was over, the ring of honor began with junior handling, braces, breeders' groups and then the various group winners and the Best In Show. Before announcing the winner, the spectators were kept in suspension. Lively music blared from the loudspeakers, sweeping the crowd and judges alike into a Mediterranean beat. BIS judge, Mrs. Carla Molinari of Portugal, waved the cup high above her head as the announcer called the white Standard Poodle Atastar Independence, owned by Mr. & Mrs. Brock and handled by breeder P. Langdon, to the number one place on the podium. Beside him were Great Dane bitch, Hildydane Hladas Heidie owned and proudly handled by Paul Bainbridge and Weimaraner Ch. Camelot's Royal Flush owned and handled by Ilana Bar-Tal.

Since most dogs were entered for both shows, the sight on the second day was a bit of a deja vue. However, towards noon the weather took everyone by surprise when the sun that had been shining was clouded by black skies and gusts of wind blew everything in sight while the rain began to pour.

Despite all this, after a break, judging continued and the ring of honor was prepared. The sun came out again just in time for the group judging but after a German Shepherd stepped on the second place beside the above-mentioned Weimaraner and Finnish judge Kari Jarvinen waited with the cup for the Standard Poodle, the skies opened once again and everyone ran off clutching their impressive trophies.

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