The nr.1 dogs website: dog breeds, international news, many dog breeders and thousands of pictures.

Would you like to be involved in this web site?

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   Introduction next

Each enthusiast, breeder, club, pension, dog school, specialised store, reporter, editor, organiser of a show or event... EVERYONE can create his or her personal page on our site. The only thing you need is your Internet connection and you'll be creating your web page in no time. You can then introduce yourself to the thousands of daily visitors to our web site, without any trouble at all. Because despite the abundant possibilities of this system, it's all extremely easy to use!!

Do you have your own web site? Brilliant, then this page can be an excellent help to attract more visitors to your homepage. Because we are the 'Google' of the dog world: we help you to remain visible on the big web.

The beauty of this revolutionary system is that you can modify any aspect of your personal page whenever you want to, without any effort whatsoever. For more information on the available offers, please read on! here to convince yourself of the efficiency of our links section...

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 Everyone is invited !!
Category Description Info
Fans: You are fond of a specific dog race, but you don't breed them yourself or only occasionally? Then this is the category you're looking for. Use this page to present yourself and your dogs in texts and pictures.
Breeders: If you are an (amateur) breeder, you can use your page to present yourself, your puppies and dogs to the general public. Anyone who is interested is sure to find you on the web.
Clubs: From now on all breeding clubs can easlily present themselves here.
Various: Can't find the appropriate category? Take a quick look in our 'various links' section to discover the wide range of possibilities.
Reporters: If you are a reporter working for a dog magazine or web site, don't hesitate to contact us. Our organisation and site have a great deal to offer, too much even to outline here!.
Publishers: Or maybe you are an editor of a dog magazine or web site? Well, in that case, you can also benefit from this site. Contact us and we'll send you all the information regarding our organisation and its unique possibilities. Of course, you will also receive a code to create your own advertising page on our website..
Events: Do you organise a dogshow or another dogs event? Please contact us, so we can send you the code you'll need to create your advertising page on our website.

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 Option matrix:
Option Fans Breeders Clubs Various Reporters Publishers Events
Max. texts: 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Picture: V V V V V V V
Web address: V V V V V V V
Unlimited updates: V V V V V V V
Link to home page: V V V V V V V
Nests (+ picture): 3 5 X X X X X
Dogs (+ picture): 5 10 X X X X X
Calendar listing: X X X X X X V
Much more: X X X X V V X

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Click on the links below to view some samples of the possibilities a personal page has to offer. But remember: not every screenshot applies to every category. For an exact description of the available options, please go back a few pages.

1. The options list after logging in.

2. The form you use to maintain your web page.

3. Create a unique address for your page.

4. Enter or modify a nest with puppies.

5. Enter or modify a dog.

Remember: these screenshots only give you an idea of the possibilities. This page doesn't show all the available options.

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Of course! We'll name only a few:

  • Introduce yourself in a playful manner to thousands (plural!) of visitors surfing our web site each day (singular!). That way you can rest assured: they will find you when they need to.

  • You will be visible, not only for visitors to our site, but also for Internet search engines (such as Google, Alltheweb, Yahoo, Altavista, MSN, Excite...). We'll make sure these search engines link to your personal page on our web site as well as to your own home page, so that it becomes easier to find as well.

  • Ease of use and an immaculate layout are very important to us. We constantly improve our web site in order to make it as easy as possible for you. Take our latest gadget for example: it automatically resizes your pictures so they fit the page perfectly. Simplicity is the key word.

  • Interesting to know: the quicker you decide to create your personal page on this web site, the higher you will be ranked on the list of the category you prefer. So act quickly and leave your competitors behind you!!

  • And the more pages we accumulate in your country, the more news we can bring you from your region. This web site aims at gathering news from all over the world. In other words: help us to help you.

In short: don't hesitate because this web site combines extreme efficiency with pure fun...

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We want to give everyone a chance to participate in our site.
That's why we offer very democratic prices. With a little effort, you can even get everything for free, as we explain below. Of course, we'll give you a couple of weeks to try it, free of any charge or obligation. Below is the survey per category:

Category Price/year Free ? Trial period
Fans: 0 € see below 9999 weeks
Breeders: 0 € see below 9999 weeks
Clubs: Free V -
(Charity - Doggy Dance - Pounds - Vets)
Free V -
(all the other)
0 € see below 9999 weeks
Reporters: Free V -
Publishers: Free V -
Events: Free V -

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This is how it works:
  1. If you have already received a code from the person who told you about this web site, please keep it at hand. If you don't, copy this code: gen123456. (if you are a reporter, a publisher or an organiser of an event, you need to request a special code via e-mail first)

  2. Then click on the button 'GET STARTED' at the bottom of this page, but first read the following steps (you might want to print this page). You will be redirected to a page where you can submit your code.

  3. Afterwards, please select the category you want to be listed in. If you don't yet know which category you prefer, please go back to the list.

  4. Next, log in to our site. If you don't have a login yet, you can easily create one. The password will be sent to you via e-mail, so please make sure the email address you enter is correct.

  5. Your account has been created and you can start editing your page. If you want to modify your page at a later date, simply log in and you can modify your page wherever you think it's necessary. To log in, just click on the appropriate link on top of this page.
Click here to create your personal page with a few clicks:  

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